UXDC is a multi-day conference bringing together the people influencing UX strategy across DC’s unique mix of government, nonprofit, association, and business organizations.

SMS and Web Product Manager Tania Lee will be moderating a panel on the “Lessons and Challenges in Implementing User Centered Design and UX Practices in the International Development Sector".

Panel Description

Implementing user centered design and UX is essential for international development work, especially when implementing and developing new tools and technologies to be used for the wide range of problems and user groups, development organizations work with. The adoption of UX and user centered design practices is not common in development organizations yet, but there are a few organizations that have implemented it or have started to.

A set of best practices put together by development organizations, called the Principles for Digital Development embodies this in the first principle: Design with the User. Ayan Kishore, a senior technology for development associate at Creative Associates International will moderate a panel with panelists from different internal development organizations and groups that have tackled UX and user centered design and talk about their experiences. We will cover the following:

  • Challenges in implementing user centered design and UX in development
  • Success stories in implementing UX in development organizations.
  • How the different development organizations are changing to understand and implement UX.
  • Challenges in user testing for international development.
  • Best practices in user testing for international development.
  • Hiring UX and user centered design experts for international development.



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