Mark Lavin to Give Keynote at Python Nordeste

Mark Lavin will be giving the keynote address at Python Nordeste this year. Python Nordeste is the largest gathering of the Northeast Python community, which takes place annually in cities of northeastern Brazil. This year’s conference will be held in Teresina, the capital of the Brazilian state of Piauí.

Mark will be speaking from his love of long-distance running . Using endurance sports training methodologies and applying them to development training, he will provide a roadmap for how to improve as a developer throughout your career.

Mark Lavin is a co-author of Lightweight Django from O'Reilly, The book was recently published in Portuguese and is available in Brazil under the title Django Essencial from publisher Novatec. He has also recorded a video series called "Intermediate Django" which focuses on integration background jobs with Celery and best practices for growing Django developers. Mark is an active member of the Django community and you can often find him contributing to the Django Project or answering questions on StackOverflow.

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